Our training and educational programmes are grouped in Krav Maga levels. The idea is to make lessons clear to the participants and to show which techniques are expected from them, and are, of course, required from them in higher level classes. This is done, on the one hand, in order not to ask too much from beginners, and on the other hand, in order not to ask too little from the advanced or pros. Our trainings are methodically arranged in a way that appreciable success will come quickly.
Level 1 – for beginners
Krav Maga Level 1 is open for all Krav Maga students. The aim is to learn the basics of self-defense. Various positions, steps, defense against roundhouse attacks, defense (aggressive and de-escalative) against , grapping of the hands, choking, clinching, knife attacks, basic combinations of punches and kicks, elbow- and knee-strikes are taught. The training does not only deal with the physical aspects of an attack, though. Behaviour before the fight, bluffing, distracting and fighting techniques are coordinated. Techniques which can be learned quickly and combined effectively are chosen from a vast pool.
Level 2
Level 2 is open for all Krav Maga students who have mastered Krav Maga’s basic techniques (Level 1). In Level 2 trainings, the basic techniques from Level 1 are expected and will not be practiced isolated but in combination in various circumstances, situations and positions. Another point is to apply techniques at high speed and out of reflex. Defense against straight attacks, combinations of kicks and punches, release of grapping of clothes, introduction to ground techniques and steps are taught. This is absolutely necessary in order to learn more complex techniques and defense moves.
Level 3
Level 3 is open only for Krav Maga students who have mastered Krav Maga’s techniques from Levels 1and 2. This level serves as a preparation for the Advanced Levels. In addition to various combinations form B1 and B2, the even more demanding training in Level 3 contains the defense against lateral attacks, defense against lower arm chokes, defense with every-day tools, extended defense on the ground and realistic scenario-based training.
Level 4 – Advanced Programme
Level 4 (Advanced and Expert students) is open only for Krav Maga students who have mastered Krav Maga’s techniques from Levels 1to 3. Techniques and close-combat behaviours from all other Levels are required for Level 4. The highly demanding training in Level 4 (Advanced 1 to 3 and all Expert Programmes) contains, first and foremost, defense against armed attacks, ground fight, sparring, active use of weapons, defense against more than one aggressors, and realistic scenario-based training. The individual competences of each student are expanded in a way to allow them to react appropriately to any kind of attack. Additional topics are defense of third parties, armed threats, attacking techniques, control techniques, locks, takedowns and fixing techniques.
Level All
Krav Maga’s Level All training sessions are equally appropriate for beginners and advanced students, as the lessons contain topics from Levels 1 to 3. Combinations of punches and kicks, armed attacks, ground fight, release techniques on the ground and defense against punches and kicks are taught. Demanding punching drills build power and speed.